Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Due to my carelessness, I missed the E-learning the previous week, but luckily Ms Faridah arrange another session for us to be able to experience it.Firstly regarding the behaviour of the Hong Kong student, I personally felt that they are very normal, well, maybe a little friendly i guess.Also they usually use the "Yahoo" website to purchase items as they find the site very simple and updated.Lastly I find that the "Second Life"is a very good way of exchanging culture with the overseas students and learn some of the the skill they possess in researching.

This is the snapshot that I have taken

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

If I have $500, these are the stuff I would love to buy
Puma Flow Men's Watches

Approximately $120

UFC  Leather Heavy Boxing Gloves
Approximately $120

And I will save the rest of the $ for emergency purposes, Not sure when that will be.Hopefully never happen.

Lastly, Regarding the lesson last Thursday, Ms Faridah taught us how to perform Internet Research in a more effective ways through blogs, wiki, organizational website also the purpose of the research such as Information, Business/Marketing. This way when we do our research it greatly help us save a lot of time and help us to improve our search for our objectives more effectively


Hi! I am Teng Zhi Yuan, from school of Engineering, Diploma in Mechartronics. During my time when I am free I like to eat, sleep, jog and surf the internet, also I am very lazy to work due to my parent giving me enough pocket $ to spent, therefore leading a very simple lifestyle.

Usually I don't watch any TV shows as most of the times I will be sleeping or jogging so regarding any TV shows or drama from Singapore I don't really have the knowledge about it.As for music I only listen to English songs and most of them are from the Billboard charts.

Lastly I always hangout with my friends. My favorite Internet sites are Google, Yahoo, Youtube as whatever doubts I have for something I will get "them" to check for me