Despite group discussion, me myself personally have chosen Accuracy and Authority to evaluate Stomp. As shown in stomp, there a lot of post and news are being uploaded by the users but there are posts in Stomp where the authority can be verified for example this post which my group and I have discussed during the lesson on the topic of Girl, 12, may have had sex with 15 men, from this post, although the actual author is not named but because this post is by The Straits Times which is a recognized local publisher, we were able to obtain information about the actual author that submitted the post simply by emailing to The Straits Times for the contact of the person whom have published the article to gather a bit more information about the article or the topics the author is discussing.
Also the accuracy can be verified through the fact that the article i have discussed on Stomp, is from a newspaper article from The Straits Times which in term have similar news from the Newpaper which both of the local publisher sharing many similarity of views and points, i can say that the post on Stomp is based on facts as information from the three sources were very similiar. Also reference is cited from The Straits Times. From the post written on Stomp, it is shouldnt have problems regarding any spelling or grammer mistakes .
Regarding the website Stomp, I personally felt that a lot of posts being uploaded do not allow us viewer or should I say reader a chance to write our views and thoughts of the articles, which i personally felt that is wrong as some of the people have identical photo or are actually the person in the photo are not willing to have such controversial types of pictures being uploaded as it had already invade their privacy also even if it is uploaded they have no chance to explain themselves on why such act happened.